NEXCO CENTRAL Corporate site

Whistleblower Office


The following information is for those who work at NEXCO CENTRAL and workers of companies, etc. that have ongoing business agreement relationships (contracts, services, etc.) with NEXCO CENTRAL.

From the perspectives of establishing high ethical standards, maintaining internal order and discipline, and preventing misconduct, we at NEXCO CENTRAL have established a “Compliance Hotline” in order to accept reports and consultations related to these perspectives.

This hotline is separately routed from our normal business line. Employees in charge of ethics and legal compliance are the ones who receive reports and consultations, and the confidentiality of such reports and consultations is strictly managed. Also, please be assured that you will not receive any unfavorable treatment due to your report or consultation.

  1. Persons who can report or consult
    • NEXCO中日本で働いている方(社員、アルバイト、派遣労働者 等)
    • Workers of companies, etc. who have ongoing business agreement relationships with NEXCO CENTRAL (contractors, contractors for continuous delivery of goods, continuous service provision contractors such as cleaners, continuous advisory contractors such as consultants, etc.)
  2. Content subject to a report or consultation
    • NEXCO中日本又はその役員若しくは従業者等について、公益通報者保護法第2条第3項に規定する「通報対象事実」が生じ、又はまさに生じようとしていること
      (例)個人情報を故意に漏洩している、職務に関して賄賂を受け取っている、不当な取引制限をしている、入札価格を口外している、著作権侵害をしている 等
    • NEXCO中日本の役員又は従業者等が、「1.通報・相談できる方」に対して、職場におけるパワーハラスメント若しくはセクシュアルハラスメント又はこれに類する言動を行っていること
  3. How to report or consult

    To report or consult, please contact us by mail or email in order to prevent misunderstanding.

    (For letters by mail)
    Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Nagoya Building, 2-18-19 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken 460-0003
    Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited Compliance Hotline
    (For emails)
  4. 注意事項等
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