Important Notice
- End of alternate route (free) of E1A Shin-Tomei Expressway Tomei Expressway and E1 Tomei Expressway due to closure of National Route 246 [Monday, September 9th, 6:00am until passing through the entrance]
As of 10:00 on Sunday, September 8, 2024
The alternative routes (free of charge) of E1A Shin-Tomei Expressway and E1 Tomei Expressway due to the closure of National Route 246 will end when the closure of National Route 246 is lifted.
If you pass through the entrance after the road closure has been lifted, you will be charged the normal toll.
■ Date and time when the closure of National Route 246 will be lifted
Section: Nishikawachi intersection, Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture to Nagoki intersection, Hadano City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Road closure lifted: Monday, September 9, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.* Expressway 'sAlternative route (free of charge) measures(E1A Shin-Tomei Expressway ・E1 Tomei) will be closed when the road closure is lifted. I will do so.
End of the free alternative route at Expressway
The free of charge measures currently in place as an alternative route to the closed Route 246 between the interchanges of E1A Shin-Tomei Expressway and E1 Tomei will end at the time the road closure is lifted (6:00 a.m. on September 9, 2024 (Monday)).*If you pass through the entrance after the road closure is lifted (6:00 a.m. on Monday, September 9, 2024), you will be charged the normal toll.
*If you pass through the entrance by the designated time, you will be able to use an alternative route (free of charge) even if you use the exit after the road closure on National Route 246 has been lifted.
【Click here for details】
Due to the closure of National Route 246 due to road damage, tolls will not be charged during the road closure in order to allow people to use the Shin-Tomei Expwy between Atsugiminami IC and Hadano-Tanzawa SIC Shin-Hadano /Hadano Tanzawa Smart IC, and between Isehara-Oyama IC and Shin-Hadano IC/ Hadano-Tanzawa SIC as detours for the closed section.Due to the closure of Route 246 due to road damage, we will not collect tolls during the closure period in order to allow drivers to use Shin-Tomei Expwy Atsugiminami IC to Shin-Hadano IC and Hadano-Tanzawa SIC and Isehara-Oyama IC to Shin-Hadano IC and Hadano-Tanzawa SIC as detour routes between the closed sections.
For more details, click here.
The free alternative Expressway route will be available until 6:00 a.m. (entrance) on Monday, September 9, 2024.
(Q) What areas are free of charge?
(Answer) The free sections are limited to the following combinations.
[Shin-Hadano IC] [Hadano Tanzawa SIC] ⇔ [Isehara-Oyama IC] [Atsugiminami IC] [Atsugi IC]
[OiMatsuda IC] [HadanoNakai IC] ⇔ [Atsugiminami IC] [Atsugi IC]
(Q) I used ETC and the toll was displayed. Isn't it free?
(Answer) The toll will be displayed when you pass through the toll gate, but please rest assured that you will not be charged.
(Q) I heard that all vehicle types can be used, but can mopeds also be used?
(Answer) Motorbikes are not eligible. All types of vehicles that can travel on Expressway are eligible.(Q)When will the alternative route (free of charge) provision end?
(Answer) The closure will end when National Route 246is reopened (at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, September 9, 2024).
If you pass through the entrance after the road closure is lifted (6:00 a.m. on Monday, September 9, 2024), you will be charged the normal toll.
Safety Initiatives
안전성 향상을 위한 조치
고속도로 안전 개선 사항
여행자 안전이 우리의 최고 우선 과제입니다. 안전성 향상을 위한 (FY2013-FY2015) 3 개년 시행 계획에 따라 안전성 향상에 대한 다양한 정책들을 준비하고 공유하였으며, 경영진의 주도로 지속적인 점검 및 후속 조치를 통해 자체 안전성 향상 구조를 수립하였습니다.
3개년 시행 계획 (FY2013-FY2015) 이후 안전성 향상을 위해 2016년부터 다음의 “5가지 대처 방침”을 적용하였습니다.
안전성 향상을 위한 “5가지 대처 방침”
- 안전 최우선을 위한 기업 문화
- 노후 구조물의 노후화 및 잠재 위험을 처리하기 위한 지속적인 비즈니스 프로세스 개선
- 안전 활동 촉진
- 인적 자원 개발
- 안전성 향상을 위한 지속 가능한 비즈니스 향상
NEXCO 중일본에서 진행 중인 안전 프로그램
새로운 검사 기술 개발
“고속 이미지 처리 기술” 도입을 통해 본사에서는 100 kph의 속도로 주행 시 자동으로 시설 상태를 모니터링 할 수 있는 새로운 검사 기술을 개발하였습니다.
검사 훈련
교량 검사 기술 훈련을 위한 나고야 대학교의 N2U BRIDGE.
E-MAC에서의 훈련을 통해 직원들이 고속도로에서 사용되는 실물 크기의 장비에 대한 정기 검사 및 비상 대응 능력을 가질 수 있도록 합니다.
고속도로 리뉴얼 프로젝트
본사에서 관리 중인 2,063 km의 고속도로 중 1,233 km가 현재 30년 이상 되었으며, 대형 차량의 증가, 내한제 및 최근 기후 변화로 인해 상당한 노후화가 확인되었습니다. 이에 따라 해당 문제를 해결하기 위해 “고속도로 리뉴얼 프로젝트”를 개시하였습니다.
고속도로 리뉴얼 프로젝트의 목표
- 수명 주기 비용 최소화
- 예방 정비
- 기능 업그레이드
해당 사업의 총 예상 비용은 약 1조엔 (88.5억 달러)입니다.
- 企业文化将安全摆在第一位
- 持续改善业务流程,以应对结构老化而导致的退化和潜在风险
- 推广安全活动
- 人力资源开发
- 持续发展业务,提高安全性
- 使用寿命周期成本最小化
- 预防性维护
- 功能更新
- 企業文化把安全放在第一位
- 持續改進業務流程,以應對因結構老化導致的退化和潛在風險
- 推廣安全活動
- 人力資源開發
- 永續發展業務,提升安全性
我們開發新的檢驗技術,引入「高速圖像處理技術」,當行駛時速達100 公里時便自動監視設施狀況。
- 使用壽命週期成本最小化
- 預防性維護
- 功能更新
此計劃的總預算費用為大約一兆日圓 (八十八億五千萬美元)。
Actions for Further Safety
Expressway Safety Improvements
Traveler safety is our top priority. Through the 3-year action plan for further safety (FY2013-FY2015),
we have organized and shared our various policies for further safety. Led our management, we have
established our own structure for safety improvements through continuous checks and follow ups.
FY 2016, the following “Five Policies” have been applied to improve safety by succeeding the 3-year action
plan (FY2013-FY2015).
“Five Policies” to improve safety
- Corporate culture to put top priority on safety
- Continuous business process improvements to handle deterioration and potential risks of aging structures.
- Promotion of safety activities
- Human resource development
- Sustainable business enhancement for safety improvements
NEXCO-Central’s Safety Program in Action
Developing New Technologies forInspection
By introducing “High-speed Image Processing Technology,” we developed new inspection technology for monitoring facility conditions automatically while traveling 100 kph.
Inspection Training
N2U BRIDGE at Nagoya University for training on bridge inspection skills.
E-MAC enables employees to obtain regular inspections
and emergency response skills on full-sized quipment actually used on the expressways.
Expressway Renewal Project
Among 2,063 km expressway under our operation, 1,233 km are more than 30 years old at present. Significant deteriorations have been recognized due to increase of large-sized vehicles, anti-freezing agent and recent climate change. We have launched “Expressway Renewal Project” to deal with these issues.
Objectives of the Expressway Renewal Project
- Life cycle cost minimization
- Preventive maintenance
- Function upgrade
The total estimated cost for this project is approximately
1 trillion yen (8.85 billion USD).