NEXCO CENTRAL Corporate site

Important Notice

国道 246 号通行止めに伴う E1A 新東名・E1 東名の代替路(無料)措置の終了について【9月9日(月)朝6時 入口通過まで】

Information on Real Estate Sales

Notice of Fixed Price Sale of Owned Real Estate

Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited sells real estate owned by the Company as follows:

Sale method

The Company recruits applicants for the sale price indicated in advance and determines the buyer in the order of application.

Application period and location

  1. Reception hours: 9: 00-12: 00 and 13: 00-17: 00 (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not accepted.)
  2. 受付場所:〒460-0008名古屋市中区栄2-4-18 岡谷鋼機ビル5階
    NEXCO中日本サービス株式会社 用地・敷地管理課
    電話番号 052-222-9975 FAX番号 052-222-9993


免許番号:愛知県知事(4)第20411号  取引態様:売買、媒介(仲介)

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