NEXCO CENTRAL Corporate site

Important Notice

Heavy snow is expected to fall from around February 17th. Please check the latest weather and traffic information before heading out.

Corporate Philosophy

Corporate Philosophy / Our Role

We prioritize safety above all, as we work towards providing safe expressways for a comfortable journey 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. By expanding our expressway network's effectiveness to create new value that will extend to the next generation, we can continue to contribute to regional revitalization and the improvement of livelihoods, to Japan's social and economic growth, and to global sustainable development.

Our Basic Stances

Through the practice of our “6 Basic Stances,” we will enhance NEXCO CENTRAL Group's corporate value and meet our stakeholders' expectations.

  1. Thinking from the customer's perspective
  2. Thinking and acting from the front lines or on-site
  3. Bringing experience and knowledge together
  4. Pursuing efficiency
  5. Continuing to evolve with the times
  6. Addressing society's issues head-on 

Our Basic Stances

Through the practice of our “6 Basic Stances,” we will enhance NEXCO CENTRAL Group's corporate value and meet our stakeholders' expectations.

  1. Thinking from the customer's perspective
  2. Thinking and acting from the front lines or on-site
  3. Bringing experience and knowledge together
  4. Pursuing efficiency
  5. Continuing to evolve with the times
  6. Addressing society's issues head-on 

Management Policy

5-year Management Policy from FY2021 to FY2025

  1. Deepening sustained efforts to improve safety
  2. Strengthening the functions of expressways and evolving them into expressways that are widely used by customers
  3. Challenging ourselves to create new value adapted to environmental changes such as digitalization and decarbonization
  4. Strengthening our management base to continue to meet the expectations of customers and other stakeholders

Corporate Statement

Through our initiatives, NEXCO Central Group's corporate statement expresses the value that we provide to our stakeholders.

Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway 

The expressways that we continue to build and protect
help in transporting everyone's hopes and dreams.

We build and maintain roads that
help deliver a heartfelt gift your loved one will enjoy, 
bring delicious delicacies from all over Japan, 
and contribute to that wonderful feeling of going out on a perfect day.

That's why we work hard at ensuring safer and easier travel on the expressway. 

We bridge regions, support daily life,
and help link people's hopes and dreams to the future.

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