NEXCO CENTRAL Corporate site

  1. Corporate Information Home
  2. Company Profile

Company Profile

Message from the President
代表取締役社長CEO 縄田 正からのご挨拶です。
Corporate Philosophy
Company Overview
View our trade name, representative officer, number of employees, head office location, capital, establishment date, purpose, etc. here
Management Plan
Corporate Governance
NEXCO CENTRAL's commitment in ensuring management transparency, soundness and legal compliance
Health management initiatives
An introduction to our brand name and logo
Companies in our Group
A list of NEXCO CENTRAL's group of companies
Agreements / Business License / Business Plan
View our agreement with the Japan Expressway Holding and Debt Repayment Agency, expressway business permits and annual business plans here
Information Disclosure
Information disclosure basic policy
"NEXCO CENTRAL informs you before you even ask."