Press Room
- Intercity Expressway Price discount review meeting
- We are considering a new discount (draft).
- Study panel for investigation of debonding / falling event of bottom surface sprayed concrete of steel main girder bridge
- We examined the response policy for bridges with a structure in which a bottom cast concrete was installed on a precast PC floor slab of a steel minority girder bridge.
- Tomei Expwy Uri Tunnel lighting fixture fall event investigation study meeting
- Based on the event of the fall of the Tomei Expwy Uri Tunnel Light, we are investigating the cause and studying the future response policy for the tunnel light.
- Committee on Prevention of Reoccurrence of Fire Accidents due to Repainting Work on the Nakayoshida Viaduct on the Tomei Expwy
- Following the fire accident caused by the repainting of the Nakayoshida viaduct on the Tomei Expwy we are verifying the work and examining measures to prevent recurrence.