Important Notice
Privacy Policy
Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited's Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information and Specific Personal Information
Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “this Company”) recognizes the importance of protecting personal information (information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other descriptions contained in such information), personal numbers (a personal number is a number obtained by converting the resident card code, which is then specified to identify the person in the resident card containing the aforementioned resident card code), and specific personal information (personal information that includes personal numbers). To ensure this, along with complying with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information Protection Act” and the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (hereinafter referred to as “Number Act”), with the following items as our basic policy, we are committed to protecting the personal information, personal numbers and specific personal information (hereinafter referred to as “personal information, etc.”) provided by customers.
- Personal information, etc. handling system
- This Company will strictly manage customers' personal information, etc. by thoroughly training personnel in charge of the appropriate handling of personal information, etc., and by constructing and operating internal management systems such as maintaining internal regulations and manuals; and by implementing security measures for information systems.
- Acquisition of personal information, etc.
- When acquiring a customer's personal information, etc., this Company will clearly indicate such information's purpose of use, and acquire it through lawful and fair means.
In addition, when acquiring a customer's personal number and specific personal information, their purpose of use shall be limited to the scope necessary for this Company to conduct administrative work stipulated by the Number Act.
- When acquiring a customer's personal information, etc., this Company will clearly indicate such information's purpose of use, and acquire it through lawful and fair means.
- Use of personal information, etc.
- When using a customer's personal information, etc., this Company will clarify the purpose of use and limit its usage within the scope of that purpose.
- When the purpose of use is changed, this Company will limit the change within a scope in which it is reasonable to find that the changed purpose of use is appropriately relevant to the original purpose of use. We will notify the customer of the changed purpose of use, or publicize it.
- Provision of personal information, etc.
- This Company will not disclose nor provide a customer's personal information to a third party without the consent of the customer (the contractor stipulated in 6. is not included as a third party. The same applied hereinafter.) except in cases, etc. based on the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.
- This Company will not disclose nor provide a customer's personal number and specific personal information to a third party except in cases where it is necessary for this Company to perform administrative work stipulated by the Number Act, or except in cases, etc. based on the Number Act, Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.
- Appropriate management of personal information, etc.
- This Company will endeavor to keep personal information, etc. accurate and up-to-date in order to provide better services to our customers (in order for this Company to suitably conduct administrative work stipulted in the Number Act with regards to specific personal information).
- This Company will take necessary measures for the safe management of personal information, etc. such as the prevention of leakage, loss, damage or unauthorized access of personal information, etc.
- Outsourcing of the processing of personal information, etc.
- When providing personal information, etc. to an administrative work processing company in order to outsource necessary administrative work, this Company selects a contractor that is deemed to handle such personal information, etc. properly. In the outsourcing agreement, etc., this Company and the relevant contractor: 1.) agree to necessary matters including the management, confidentiality, prohibition of re-provision, etc. of personal information, etc. in order to prevent the leakage, etc. of a customer's personal information, etc.; and 2.) conduct adequate supervision.
- Notification, disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of purpose of use of personal information, etc.
- Regarding a customer's stored personal information, etc., if a customer or their agent submits a request for notification, disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal information, etc., this Company will respond within a reasonable period and scope based on the Personal Information Protection Act and other related laws and regulations.
Otherwise, we will respond appropriately and promptly to customer inquiries regarding personal information, etc.
- Regarding a customer's stored personal information, etc., if a customer or their agent submits a request for notification, disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal information, etc., this Company will respond within a reasonable period and scope based on the Personal Information Protection Act and other related laws and regulations.
- Etc.
- This Company will review this policy from time to time and strive to improve it. If this policy is revised, we inform you of the revised content on this site.
About Internet Security
To secure customers' personal information during transmission, such information is transmitted over SSL (secure socket layer: an industry-wide standard security function that encrypts and transmits information) on the websites of Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited and Central Nippon Exis Company. By using a browser that supports SSL, a customer's personal information is automatically encrypted, sent and received. Such browsers also have multiple check mechanisms and firewalls to prevent unauthorized outside access. Furthermore, we limit those who can access personal information.
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