NEXCO CENTRAL Drivers' site

Expressway Of reverse run in Japan

01​ ​Occurrence of reverse run incident

  • nationwide Expressway In reverse, reverse run occurs approximately once every two days
  • About 60% of reverse run cases occur at interchange (IC) and junction (JCT)
  • The age of drivers who run in the reverse direction is 69% of those over 65 years old, of which 48% is over 75 years old.

<Trends and locations of reverse run incidents>

* Occurrence point is classified by reverse run start point

Number of reverse run occurrence

2011年 IC / JCT 96 cases (46%), SA / PA 19 cases (9%), main line 34 cases (16%), unknown 62 cases (29%), 211 cases in total
year 2012 IC / JCT 113 cases (54%), SA / PA 14 cases (7%), Main line 33 cases (16%), Other 2 cases (1%), Unknown 47 cases (22%) 209 cases in total
2013 IC / JCT 84 cases (59%), SA / PA 10 cases (7%), Main Line 26 cases (18%), Unknown 23 cases (16%) 143 cases in total
2014年 IC / JCT 106 cases (61%), SA / PA 15 cases (7%), main line 56 cases (26%), other 2 cases (1%), unknown 33 cases (16%), 212 cases in total
2015年 IC / JCT 158 (61%), SA / PA 15 (6%), Main Line 67 (26%), Other 1 (0%), Unknown 18 (7%) Total 259
2016年 IC / JCT 151 cases (61%), SA / PA 13 cases (5%), Main line 38 cases (15%), Unknown 47 cases (19%) 249 cases in total
2017年 IC / JCT 125 cases (60%), SA / PA 12 cases (6%), Main line 45 cases (22%), Other 1 case (0%), Unknown 24 cases (12%) Total 207 cases
2018年 IC/JCT 115 (57%), SA/PA 12 (6%), main line 35 (17%), other 1 (1%), unknown 37 (19%) 200 in total

About 60% of reverse runs occur in IC / JCT.

<Age of reverse-riding driver in 2018>

2018.1 ~ 2018.12 Total (breakdown of all 200 cases)

70% of 2018 reverse drivers are 65 and older.
18 under 30 (9%)
45 (30% to under 65) (22%)
41 cases (21%) under 65-75 years old
75 or older 96 (48%)
200 total

Data: Accidents or backtracking incidents that resulted in security in Expressway (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and Expressway company management) from 2011 to 2018 N=1,690
Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism · Expressway Company created with the cooperation of the police

02​ ​Occurrence of reverse run accident

  • The number of reverse accidents in 2018 has decreased by about 40% in the two years since 2016. There is no significant change in the trends of injury and property damage, but only one death.
  • The number of fatal accidents in reverse accidents is about 15 times that of all accidents on Expressway, and the ratio of fatal accidents is about 5 times.

<Changes in the number of reverse-running accidents and types of accidents>

Number of reverse run accidents

2011年 5 deaths (19%), 6 injuries (22%), 16 property damages (59%), 27 in total
year 2012 4 deaths (9%), 15 injuries (35%), 24 damages (56%), 43 in total
2013 5 deaths (15%), 11 injuries (32%), 18 property damages (53%), 34 in total
2014年 5 deaths (10%), 16 injuries (32%), 29 damages (58%), 50 in total
2015年 8 deaths (17%), 18 injuries (39%), 20 property losses (44%), 46 in total
2016年 7 deaths (12%), 18 injuries (32%), 32 damages (56%), 57 in total
2017年 5 deaths (11%), 12 injuries (27%), 27 damages (62%) 44 in total
2018年 32 deaths, 1 death (31%), 13 injuries (41%), 18 property damage (56%)
The number of reverse accidents was 57 in 2016, but in 2017 it was 44, a decrease of about 20%, and in 2018 it was 32, about 40%.

<Status of [All accidents] in 2018>

2018.1 ~ 2018.12 Total (breakdown of 51,255 total)
※ Expressway company is managed by Expressway of the situation (Expressway company survey)

Accidents on Expressway in 2018 were 9% fatal and injured and 0.2% fatal.
Injuries 4,496 (8.8%)
Loss 46,634 (91.0%)
125 deaths (0.2%)
51,255 in total

<Status of [reverse running accident] in 2018>

2018.1 ~ 2018.12 Total (breakdown of all 32 cases)

In 2018, 44% of reverse accidents were fatal and injured, about 5 times the ratio of all accidents and 3% of fatal accidents, about 15 times the ratio of all accidents.
13 injuries (41%)
Property damage 18 cases (56%)
1 death (3%)
32 in total

<Age of reverse-travel accident drivers in 2018>

2018.1 ~ 2018.12 Total (breakdown of all 32 cases)

The age composition of reverse accidents in 2018 is 50% under 65 years old, 25% under 30 years old

8 under 30 (25%)
30-Under 65 8 (25%)
65 to under 75 years old 9 cases (28%)
75 years or older 7 cases (22%)
32 in total

Data: Reverse run incident N=359 that led to an accident at Expressway (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and Expressway company management) from 2011 to 2018.
Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism · Expressway Company created with the cooperation of the police

03​ ​Occurrence of reverse run incidents by motive

  • Compared to the previous year, the number of intentional and unrecognized items in 2018 decreased by about 10% each. On the other hand, negligence increased by about 10%.
  • About 50% of "intentional" reverse runs are by drivers under the age of 65
  • 90% or more of drivers who are 65 years of age or older

Intentional: A case in which reverse running was started in recognition of reverse running
Negligence: A case where reverse running was started without recognizing reverse running
Unrecognized: Those who do not recognize that they have run backwards even after completing a reverse run due to an accident or security (dementia, etc.)

  • To return to the original route
    Reverse run (intentional)
    (Example: Going past the target IC and deliberately going backwards trying to return to the ramp that was originally going to come out)
  • To return to the original route
    Reverse running (error)
    (Example:Expressway(I noticed that I accidentally entered the road and turned around before the toll booth to get back to the general road.
  • Wrong route to go
    Reverse running (error)
    (Example: I accidentally entered the exit from a general road to the exit)

<Changes in the number of reverse run incidents by motive>

Number of reverse run incidents by motive

2015年 Intentional 66 cases (25%), negligence 98 cases (38%), unrecognized 69 cases (27%), other / unknown 26 (10%) 259 cases in total
2016年 Intentional 46 cases (18%), negligence 109 cases (44%), unrecognized 71 cases (29%), other / unknown 23 (9%) 249 cases in total
2017年 Intentional 57 cases (28%), negligence 71 cases (34%), unrecognized 45 cases (22%), other / unknown 34 (16%) 207 cases in total
2018年 Intentionally 50 (25%), negligence 77 (38%), unrecognized 41 (21%), other/unknown 32 (16%) 200 in total

The number of reverse run cases by motive was intentionally 57 in 2017, but it was 50 in 2018, a decrease of about 10%. There were 71 cases of negligence in 2017, but in 2018 it increased by about 10%. In 2017, there were 45 cases without recognition, but in 2018, it decreased by about 10%.

<Reverse running cases by motivation in 2018
Driver composition by age>

Reverse drive event by motive Motive composition by driver age

The entire Under 30 years old 9.0%, 30 to under 65 years old 22.5%, 65 to under 75 years old 20.5%, 75 years old and over 48.0%
Intention Under 30 16.0%, Under 30-65 32.0%, Under 65-75 26.0%, Over 75 26.0%
Negligence Under 30 years 6.5%, 30-65 years 23.4%, 65-75 years 16.9%, 75 years and over 53.2%
No recognition 30-65 years old 7.3%, 65-75 years old 22.0%, 75 years old and over 70.7%

Data: Accident or reverse run case N=915 in Expressway (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and Expressway company management) from 2015 to 2018
Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism · Expressway Company created with the cooperation of the police

<Reverse running situation by motivation in 2018 [Details]>

Status of reverse run by motivation in 2018

Deliberate 50 cases (25%), negligence 77 cases (38%), unrecognized 41 cases (21%),
Other/Unknown 32 (16%) Total 200 cases

Intentionally 50 (25%)

Reverse running to return to the original route 39 (20%)
Passing the exiting off-ramp 10 (5%)
Mistaken branch in IC / JCT, etc. 11 cases (6%)
From the general road Expressway Accidentally entered 14 (7%)
Other than the above 4 (2%)
Etc. 11 cases (6%)
Without ETC 1 (1%)
No money 2 cases (1%)
Other than the above 3 cases (2%)
Trying to find lost items 2 cases (1%)
Other than the above (something for some reason) 3 cases (2%)
Other than the above (unknown reason) 1 (1%)

Negligence 77 cases (39%)

Reverse running to return to the original route 24 (12%)
Passing the exiting off-ramp 1 (1%)
Mistaken branch in IC / JCT, etc. 3 cases (2%)
From the general road Expressway Accidentally entered 15 (8%)
The wrong IC was leaked 1 (1%)
Other than the above 4 (2%)
Accidentally reverses the route to be traveled 41 (21%)
Poor visibility such as signs (others) 1 (1%)
Misidentified car navigation information 6 (3%)
Expressway Accidental entry to the exit 21 (11%)
Wrong advance from SA / PA entrance 6 (3%)
Other than the above 7 cases (4%)
Etc. 12 (6%)
Other than the above (something for some reason) 9 (5%)
Other than the above (unknown reason) 3 cases (2%)

No recognition 41 (21%)

High speed, no recognition of reverse running (dementia) 27 (14%)
No recognition of reverse running (dementia) 1 (1%)
No recognition of high-speed / reverse running (dementia) 26 (13%)
High speed, no reverse running recognition (others) 17 (7%)
No recognition of reverse running (Other) 3 cases (2%)
No recognition of high-speed / reverse running (others) 11 cases (6%)

Other/unknown 32 (16%)

Inaudible 9 (5%)
dementia 1 (1%)
Mental disorder 2 cases (1%)
death 1 (1%)
Drinking alcohol 4 (2%)
Other than the above 1 (1%)
Other / Unknown 23 (12%)
Other / Unknown 23 (12%)

Data: Backlash incident N=200 that led to an accident or acquisition in Expressway (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and Expressway company management) in 2018
Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism · Expressway Company created with the cooperation of the police