NEXCO CENTRAL Drivers' site

Safety drive

Occurrence and characteristics / trends of traffic fatalities
Characteristics of and trends in traffic fatalities
~ 2023年交通死亡事故の発生状況と特徴・傾向 ~
Manner guide
Expressway Manner guide
In addition to observing traffic rules, we also ask for your cooperation so that you can drive safely and comfortably on highways while being conscious of driving manners.
Watch out for high speed driving guide
Watch out for high speed driving guide
This is a selection of locations that we would like customers using the Expressway to pay particular attention to.
Stop wrong-way driving! An expressway is a one-way street.
Stop wrong-way driving! An expressway is a one-way street.
Expressway There has been a serious accident involving reverse running vehicles.
Mandatory seat belts for all seats
Mandatory seat belts for all seats
Beware of animals
Beware of animals
Expressway An animal such as a deer or a bear has entered into a car, causing a collision with a car.
3 principles for reducing traffic congestion
3 principles for reducing traffic congestion
Each person's little effort will lead to a comfortable drive for everyone.
Safety drive to get to know
Safety drive to get to know
Safety drive to get to know
Safety drive to get to know
Safety drive to get to know
Safety drive to get to know
By following the rules and manners, a comfortable drive is waiting for you. Safe driving with a relaxed mind!
Idling stop
Idling stop
I would like cooperation for idling stop that is kind to the earth and person.
Let's enjoy learning about the Expressway
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