Safety drive
- Characteristics of and trends in traffic fatalities
- ~ 2023年交通死亡事故の発生状況と特徴・傾向 ~
- Expressway Manner guide
- In addition to observing traffic rules, we also ask for your cooperation so that you can drive safely and comfortably on highways while being conscious of driving manners.
- Watch out for high speed driving guide
- This is a selection of locations that we would like customers using the Expressway to pay particular attention to.
- Stop wrong-way driving! An expressway is a one-way street.
- Expressway There has been a serious accident involving reverse running vehicles.
- 高速道路への原付・自転車・歩行者の誤進入対策
- 高速道路は、原付、自転車、歩行者の通行が禁止されています!
- Mandatory seat belts for all seats
- 平成20年(2008年)6月1日より、全席シートベルトの着用が義務化されました。
- Beware of animals
- Expressway An animal such as a deer or a bear has entered into a car, causing a collision with a car.
- 3 principles for reducing traffic congestion
- Each person's little effort will lead to a comfortable drive for everyone.
- By following the rules and manners, a comfortable drive is waiting for you. Safe driving with a relaxed mind!
- Idling stop
- I would like cooperation for idling stop that is kind to the earth and person.
- Let's enjoy learning about the Expressway