How to Start Using ETC
How to Start Using ETC ~ A simpler life with ETC is waiting for you ~
ETC is a system for paying tolls by wireless communication between antenna on expressway tollgates and in-vehicle ETC equipment. (You can receive discounts such as "Time-restricted Discounts" using the ETC system.)

These are the steps to use ETC!
1. First, apply for an ETC card.
You can apply to a credit card company that issues ETC cards.
Deposit type ETC Personal Card is a card you do not need to use as a credit card.
List of credit card companies (Japanese link)

2. Next, purchase in-vehicle ETC equipment and get it set-up.
You can buy in-vehicle ETC equipment at car and motorcycle accessory shops, and dealers. It is also necessary to set-up the equipment with information on the vehicle to be used.
Cars: List of set-up shops (Japanese link)
Motorcycles: List of set-up shops (Japanese link)
Click here for details on In-vehicle ETC equipment set-up. (Japanese link)
You can start using ETC once you have both the ETC card and in-vehicle ETC equipment.

You can't use dismantled or modified in-vehicle ETC equipment
Please have an expert shop, etc., install your in-vehicle equipment.
Please do not use in-vehicle ETC equipment that is dismantled or modified, only those sold by ETC equipment makers.
- * Please install in-vehicle ETC equipment according to the maker's instructions. Do not install by methods other than as instructed by the maker (using the lighter socket or a simple external power source).
- * Set-up of dismantled or modified in-vehicle ETC equipment is against the terms of use, etc.
- * It is also against the terms of use, etc. to set-up in-vehicle ETC equipment designed for a car on a motorcycle.