NEXCO CENTRAL Drivers' site

Cars that work

Cars that work
  • Service Area Snow (snow) I'll do it!

    Tractor excavator
    Small excavator

    Talking Shower

    Small turn (Komawa) It's crisp and snowy (Josetsu) !
    Snow (snow) To serve (Da) Or to have (Ah) Or
    Small place (Pass) But work (Work) Do
    Universal player (Ban no Umushi) That's it!

    See working scenes
  • Tractor excavator
    Small excavator

    Talking Shower

    Expressway (Highway) In
    break (Kyukei) Or
    Shopping (The thing) You can enjoy
    There is a service area and parking area.

  • Tractor excavator
    Small excavator

    Talking Shower

    There snow (snow) If you think
    Everyone gets harder to enter and gets sick.

  • Tractor excavator
    Small excavator

    Talking Shower

    So, this is me! !

  • Tractor excavator
    Small excavator

    Talking Shower

    I am the body (Body) Is small (Small) Because it's a shame
    Small turn (Komawa) I ’m writing
    Snow removal (Josetsu) You can do it!

  • Tractor excavator
    Small excavator

    Talking Shower

    Yes, quickly remove snow (Josetsu) End!
    Everybody relaxes slowly and take hold!

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See the detailed data of this car

From the point of view of the name

From the perspective of the name

Length 7.2 meters
Haba 2.9 meters
height 3.4 meters
Weight 11.0 tons

* Equipment / load (Sobihin / Sekisaibutsu) It is data including

Let's see how it works!

snow (snow) And put it on a dump truck

Pulling a car that is no longer recommended

Shovel with snow (snow) At a stretch (Iki) Raise the Nipple (Komawa) Excavator. Snow removal in service and parking areas (Josetsu) Of course, dump truck and hand (hand) Take the road (How about) Accumulated snow (snow) Inflate (Da) Great success when you (Daily) ! It's always quick and quick (Work) Do it.
Also snow (snow) Active in pulling and helping cars that are no longer recommended due to tires taken (Kayakaku) I will do it!

See more

Bucket: Excavator is the usual type

Multiplow: Excavator shape changed (Or) Type

Small turn (Komawa) Rishovel-kun has a shovel shape (Form) There are various purposes (Mokukite) I'm changing it in time. Above all, excavator shape (Form) But strange (Or) The worst type of "multi plow" is snow (snow) To collect the letter V (Bunoji) To. snow (snow) When pushing straight down. And snow (snow) The road (Michi) When making a reverse V-shaped (Gyakubu Noji) By removing snow (Josetsu) I can recommend it smoothly.