NEXCO CENTRAL Drivers' site

Fire occurs in the tunnel!

STOP!車両火災 ~車両火災が多発しています~




If a fire breaks out in the tunnel

If you find a fire in the tunnel, please report it using a reporting device or an emergency telephone, and extinguish the fire as soon as possible.

(1)通報 (2)初期消火 (3)消火栓での消火 (4)避難

(1) Please report by push button type report device or emergency telephone.

In the tunnel, Push-button notification device (every 50m), emergency call (every 200m) Is installed. The push button type alarm device will automatically report a fire when pressed until the lamp is turned on.

Push-button notification device, emergency telephone

Flow after report

Flow after report

(2) Try to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher.

Two fire extinguishers are installed at 50m intervals.
Fire extinguishers are most effective for initial firefighting of oils.

Fire extinguisher instructions

  1. (1) Open the box door and take out the fire extinguisher.
  2. (2) Remove the fire extinguisher hose.
  3. (3) Pull out the lever safety pin.
  4. (4) Depress the lever. Powder extinguisher erupts for about 20 to 30 seconds.
  5. (5) Hold the hose straight and spray the fire extinguisher directly onto the fire source.

(3) In a tunnel where a fire hydrant is installed, try to extinguish the fire using a fire hydrant.

  1. fire hydrant
    (1) Pull the handle of the box toward you and open the door.
  2. fire hydrant
    (2) Remove the fire extinguishing nozzle from the stopper and hold it in your hand.
  3. (3) Tilt the red lever to the front and hold the nozzle firmly with both hands.
  4. (4) When water comes out, pull out the hose.


Information and instructions will be flown through the speakers and radio rebroadcasts in the tunnel, so please stay calm and act accordingly. Also, the smoke drops when the temperature drops. Check the direction of the emergency exit by watching the flow of smoke so that it is not covered by smoke.

emergency exit

Evacuation method in case of vehicle fire in tunnel (video)

This video will show you how to evacuate when you encounter a vehicle fire in a tunnel.


We may move abandoned vehicles to ensure that emergency vehicles pass.

When leaving your car to evacuate in case of a disaster, move the car to the left, set the handbrake, stop the engine and lock the key, and do not lock the door.

In the event of partial amendment of the Basic Law on Disaster Countermeasures that was enforced on November 21, 2014, if a large-scale disaster such as an earthquake directly under the Tokyo Metropolitan Area or heavy snowfall would hinder the passage of emergency traffic vehicles, abandoned vehicles and stuck vehicles will be Road managers can now take actions such as moving.

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