ETC Card not Inserted Warning System in Operation!

The main reasons why ETC lane bars do not open are forgetting to insert ETC cards or not inserting them correctly.
* For this reason we installed an "ETC Card not Inserted Warning System" in places where ETC cards are most often not inserted or not inserted correctly such as after joining from SA and PA, before main road tollgates and tollgate entrances.
If you are near the antenna the system notifies you if an ETC card is not inserted or is not inserted correctly with a voice message or signal beep through your in-vehicle ETC equipment.

<Reference> * Causes of stopping in ETC Lanes in April 2012 (daily averages)
≪On average 2 million vehicles pass per day≫

≪Handling of Stopping in ETC Lanes by Cause in April 2012 (daily averages)≫ (vehicles/day)

Due to incorrect lane use Due to cards not inserted (customer usage errors) Due to system faults Total
Mistaken entry of general vehicles to ETC lanes, etc. ETC card not inserted ETC vehicles with tickets entering ETC lanes Use of expired cards, etc. Others (Failure of in-vehicle equipment, etc.)
Number of cases 872 1,026 369 260 96 2,623
Ratios 33% 39% 14% 10% 4% 100%

If you received an error notification:

1. Please check if the ETC card is correctly inserted.
2. Please use the "General" or "ETC/General" lanes.

(If you do not hear any notification such as a voice warning the ETC card is correctly inserted please keep on driving). We ask for your corporation in checking the ETC card is correctly inserted in the in-vehicle equipment and functioning properly.

◎ The content of the notification (voice, display, etc.) varies depending on the in-vehicle equipment.
There are some types of in-vehicle equipment that do not give notifications.

● Example of voice type guidance: "Beep, you cannot go through ETC lanes"
● Example of buzzer type guidance: "Beeeep, beep, beep …"

* In these cases, please be aware that tollgate bars will not open.